Future Downstream

Online | November 2024

Alan Gelder

Position: VP Refining, Chemicals and Oil Markets, Downstream Global, Wood Mackenzie

Alan is VP Refining, Chemicals and Oil Markets. As Downstream Global SME, he is responsible for formulating Wood Mackenzie’s research outlook and integrated cross-sector perspectives on this global sector.

Alan Gelder joined Wood Mackenzie’s Downstream Consulting team in 2005 and became global head in 2009.  He transitioned into research upon his return from Houston in 2011 and was Global Head of Refining and Chemicals.

Prior to joining Wood Mackenzie, Alan had 10 years of industry consulting after working for ExxonMobil in a variety of project planning and technical process design roles.

Alan has a first class Master Degree in Chemical Engineering from Imperial College, London, supplemented by an MBA from Henley Management College.