Future Downstream

Online | November 2024

 * Subject to change

2024 agenda to be published shortly


Welcome speech
Adam Soroka, Managing Director, Cavendish Group International

09:05 Opening keynote

Panel 1: Accelerating Industry 4.0 for the Downstream Sector – Defining the Digital Roadmap

  • Accelerating and Integrating Digital Transformation – How digital technology can be an enabler for sustainable operations
  • Driving Agility in Downstream – How to successfully democratise data and achieve end to end Visibility
  • Using AI and ML to enhance Reliability – Leveraging machine analytics to improve availability and end-to-end optimisation
  • Realising the Potential of Predictive Maintenance – How to avoid unplanned shutdowns and overcoming barriers to Adoption
  • Managing IT/OT Convergence – Assessing operational data Management for downstream operators

“In Conversation”- with Shane McArdle, CEO, Kongsberg Digital


Panel 2: The Creation of the Circular Economy – Effectively Measuring the Impact on the Downstream Industry

  • Adopting operational and Energy best practices – A focus on renewable and biofuels production
  • Regulation Conformance and Innovation - How do we remain profitable whilst decarbonising
  • Understanding Industrial Symbiosis – Measuring the economic and environmental Impact to the downstream Industry
  • The Emergence of Biorefining – Distinguishing between thermochemical and biochemical methodologies
  • Exploring Innovation in Business Circularity – Developing sustainable business models through circular polymers, biofuels and organic waste
11:45 Thought leadership presentation
12:15 Thought leadership presentation

Panel 3: Progress on the Downstream Digital Journey? – Understanding The Foundations for Effective Asset Performance Management

  • How to Transition Data into Actionable Formats – Managing the integration of real time data and Rapid implementation
  • Understanding Asset Sustainability – How technology Can offset carbon emissions
  • Capturing Value through Rapid Technology Deployment - Achieving operational agility over the entire asset lifecycle
  • Evaluating Operational Data Challenges – An insight into the challenges and opportunities
  • AI, Machine Learning and APC – Utilising advanced process control to accelerate productivity and enhance safety

Thought leadership presentation


Panel 4: Environmental Sustainability Versus Digital Sustainability – How can the Downstream industry prioritise under Ever Decreasing Margins?

  • Understanding the Current Barriers for Decarbonising – Which Digital Innovations help facilitate Energy Transition
  • ESG Reporting and Measuring Emissions – Understanding evolving government policies and frameworks for investment
  • Fostering a Digital Innovation Culture – How to successfully attract new talent and reskill the current workforce
  • Formulating Sustainability Strategies – Which clean technologies will play a key role in reducing carbon intensity?
  • Incorporating Multi Unit Optimisation – What can we learn?
15:15 “Digital Twin Tech talks” – “Future” Experts on Digital Twins Supporting Performance Optimisation

  • How to improve operational efficiencies and reduce overall emissions through a Digital Twin
  • Understanding the value of Integrated, contextualised data for energy Transition
  • The connected digital Twin, data interoperability and change Management
  • The role of an Open Digital Twin in operational reliability and process optimisation
16:00 Thought leadership presentation

Panel 5: The Quest to Measure Scope 1, 2 and Emissions – An Insight into Carbon Emissions Measurement and Methodology Standardisation

  • Fostering Strategic Collaborations – Understanding the Value of Customer Collaboration to achieve Auditable and Measurable Values
  • Developing a Methane Emissions and Flare Management Plan – Connecting the link between flared methane and GHG targets
  • Incorporating Responsible GHG and Carbon Accounting – Understanding the significance between emission monitoring and investment policies
  • An Insight into Use of Sold Products – How to reduce direct and Indirect use phase emissions
  • How will Technology enable reducing Scope 1 Emissions – Effectively reducing energy throughout the value chain

Panel 6: Supply Chain Optimisation – How the Shift in Global Energy Demand has
Impacted Current Business Models

  • Return in investment – Understanding the value for investment in automation and digitalisation with a focus on IoT, Machine Learning, AI with Edge Processing
  • Decarbonising the Downstream Supply Chain – Measuring and Tracking the Carbon Footprint for Customers, Investors and Regulators
  • Accelerating Supply Chain Resilience – Analysing Risk to Suppliers and assessing the Impact of Geopolitical Uncertainties and Rising Energy Costs
  • The Steps to Achieving Successful Value Chain Optimisation – The Advantages of the Integrated Asset Model
  • Defining Carbon Border Taxes – The Significance of measuring end to end supply chain emissions
18:25 Thought leadership presentation

Panel 7: The Emergence of CCUS and Hydrogen – The Essential tools to scaling a Circular Economy?

  • Integrating Low Carbon Business Models – A focus on blue and green Hydrogen and storage and distribution Capabilities
  • Managing the Transition to a Low Carbon Economy – Exploring the economies of scale conundrum for CCUS with a focus on clustering for capture or storage
  • Assessing the Impact of Carbon Capture and Carbon Tax – Understanding current policies and regulations
  • Understanding the Inefficiencies of Green Hydrogen – Calculating economics, storage and production
  • Decarbonising through Energy Security and Supply – Analysing the risk of supply chain fragmentation
19:35 Close of conference - Closing Remarks with Adam Soroka, Managing Director, Cavendish Group International